PetLab Probiotic Chews: Worth the hype?

I will do anything and I mean anything for my dogs so when I saw the ad for PetLab Probiotic Chews and the claim that it could help stop the licking and chewing of allergies, of course I had to order them. Our female pit bull, Daisy, suffers from chronic allergies and has to have a Cytopoint shot every 6 weeks regardless of the time of year. I am willing to try anything if it means not having to give her those injections as often or at all.

First tin of PetLab Probiotic Chews

First Tin of PetLab Probiotic Chews

I ordered one tin of the probiotic chews which was $35.95 for thirty chews. The recommended dosage for her weight is two chews per day which meant that one tin would only last fifteen days. If I subscribed to a monthly delivery, I could save money but who doesn’t want to make sure this works first, am I right? I quickly saw the dollar signs adding up in my head. She would need two tins per month for her recommended dosage which is $55.95 without a subscription and $49.37 for the two tins if I did a monthly subscription. I decided to order one tin just to see if she would even eat them.

Fifteen Days

Daisy’s coat is definitely not as patchy looking and is filling in where there was some hair loss. Her paws aren’t as red and she hasn’t been licking them as much. She also has a condition called canine pododermatitis so it can be hard to tell on her what is allergy related or related to her skin condition. At any rate, her coat is definitely shinier. I decide to bite the bullet and do the monthly subscription since you can cancel anytime.

Fifteen days of taking PetLab Probiotic Chews

Two Months

Daisy’s coat looks much better but she still does have some redness on her paws and is still occasionally licking them. Her allergies seem to flare whenever we have any kind of precipitation. We were able to skip a Cytopoint shot in December though. I’m not sure if it was due to the time of year or the chews. She did start to mess with her paws this month (February) so we did have to end up doing a Cytopoint shot.

Two months of taking PetLab Probiotic Chews

Overall Opinion of PetLab Probiotic Chews

What I think is important to point out is that PetLab’s claim is “occasional allergies”. I didn’t realize this until we were a couple months in. Daisy’s allergies are far from the occasional kind. While I do think these chews have helped to some degree, her allergies are just to much for a probiotic chew to conquer. We have decided to keep her on them though because she is on antibiotics several times a year for her chronic skin condition. The probiotic chews keep her gut health in check while on the antibiotics. My opinion is that PetLab’s Probiotic Chews may help the dog that suffers from occasional allergies but it isn’t the magic cure I was hoping for with a chronic condition.

*This post is not sponsored in any way nor do I receive any compensation. The views and opinions expressed are purely my own.

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