4 Must Haves to Clean with Pets

If you have pets, you will have messes. There is just no way around it. I have discovered four must haves to keep my house clean with pets so that I don’t have to run around like a maniac after the Pursell pups because we have better things to do, like cuddle.

1. Swiffer Dusters

Swiffer dusters pick up dust and pet hair like there’s no tomorrow. I use them on all surfaces of my house including the baseboards to get the dog hair. I never knew how much dog hair can accumulate on a baseboard until the sun hit them just right one day and I was mortified. I can do all surfaces in a room including the baseboards in ten minutes. They make it that easy.

Swiffer Dusters trap pet hair

2. Nature’s Miracle

Nature’s Miracle not only eliminates pet stains but stains made by humans too such as wine, coffee, even tomato sauce from last night’s dinner. This stuff is amazing at removing pet vomit and diarrhea stains. Most of our house is wood and tile but if the pups are going to vomit, guess where it ends up? On a rug without fail. Nature’s Miracle is definitely something to keep on hand if you are potty training. It eliminates urine odors so your pup won’t smell where he/she had an accident before and go again.

Nature's Miracle eliminates pet odors and stains

3. Swiffer Wet Mopping Cloths

Swiffer Wet Mopping Cloths are my go to for quickly keeping my tile clean and free of paw prints, drool, and dirt. I realized a while back that traditional mops just swish dirt and drool around but the Swiffer Wet Mopping Cloths actually wipe it up and it sticks to the cloth. It just seems way more sanitary to me. Daisy drools over the slightest smell or thought of food so this is my quickest way of keeping her drool in check.

Swiffer Wet Mopping Cloths wipe up drool and paw prints

4. Baby Wipes

I’ve mentioned baby wipes in several of my other posts and for a reason. They are quick and easy to use on upholstery, bedding, flooring and just about any other surface to remove whatever pet yuck you may have discovered. I use them on my walls because I’m always finding something nasty that may have been ejected from their mouths while barking.

Baby Wipes eliminate pet stains and drool

These four products are always on hand in the Pursell household to keep my house clean with pets. Other than the Nature’s Miracle, I buy them in bulk from Sam’s Club or Costco. You can buy Nature’s Miracle at any pet store or Amazon. Using these four products keeps my house clean without looking like I spent hours getting it that way.

*This post is not sponsored in any way nor do I receive any compensation. The views and opinions expressed are purely my own.

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